December 10-11, 2024
Ossoliński National Institute
Szewska 37 Street
50-139, Wrocław, Poland
Ossoliński National Institute
University of Wrocław
Pontifical Faculty of Theology in Wroclaw
9:00-9:30. Uroczyste rozpoczęcie konferencji / Official opening of the conference
Władze rektorskie Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, Papieskiego Wydziału Teologicznego we Wrocławiu oraz dyrekcja Zakładu Narodowego im. Ossolińskich
Rectoral authorities of the University of Wrocław, the Pontifical Faculty of Theology in Wroclaw and the Director of the National Ossoliński Institute
10:40-11:10. Dyskusja / Discussion
11:10-11:30. Przerwa kawowa / Coffee break
12:10-12:40. Dyskusja / Discussion
12:40-13:40. Przerwa obiadowa / Lunch break
14:20-14:50. Dyskusja / Discussion
14:50-15:10 Przerwa kawowa / Coffee break
16:10-16:40. Dyskusja / Discussion
17:40-17:50. Podsumowanie dnia / Summary of the day
10:30-11:00. Dyskusja / Discussion
11:00-11:20. Przerwa kawowa / Coffee break
12:20-12:50. Dyskusja / Discussion
12:50-14:00. Przerwa obiadowa / Lunch break
15:00-15:30. Dyskusja / Discussion
15:30-15:50. Przerwa kawowa / Coffee break
16:50-17:20. Dyskusja / Discussion
17:20-17:40. Podsumowanie i zakończenie konferencji / Summary and closing of the conference
Johannes Scheffler, known to posterity as Angelus Silesius (Angel of Silesia), was born in Wrocław in 1624. He is one of the most prominent Baroque mystical poets of Silesia, as well as a philosopher, theologian and philosophical and religious thinker. Raised in a Lutheran family, an active participant in spiritual meetings in the circle of the Silesian nobleman, biographer and publisher of the works of Jacob Boehme – Abraham von Franckenberg, he quickly finds himself in the thought of the Zgorzelec theosophist, philosopher and mystic, and through him – albeit only indirectly – in the thought of the pioneer of German-language philosophy and theology: Master Eckhart or the work "Theologia deutsch", and himself becomes an influential thinker for many. His influence can be seen in the circle of Silesian philosophical and theological thought, mainly related to the Counter-Reformation, as well as in the circle of art of the time – painting, sculpture and music – as is evident from his lively contacts with Abbot Bernhard Rosa in Krzeszów. However, the influence of Angelus Silesius extends much further, to mention only Adam Mickiewicz and his "Zdania i uwagi z dzieł Jakuba Bema, Anioła Ślązaka i Sę-Martena" ("Sentences and Remarks from the Works of Jacob Boehme, Angelus Silesius and Saint-Martin").
The Ossoliński National Institute in Wrocław, the Institute of Art History, the Institute of Philosophy of the University of Wrocław and the Pontifical Faculty of Theology in Wrocław would like to invite you to participate in the international scholarly conference on the 400th anniversary of the birth of Angelus Silesius.
We would like to deal not only with the philosophical, theological and mystical thought of Silesius himself, but also with his influence on the visual arts and music of that era and later, to look at the impact of Angelus Silesius' thought on later times, as well as to look at those thinkers who influenced or may have influenced the Silesian mystic, poet and theologian – directly and indirectly. We will also be interested in other manifestations of the widely understood reception of mysticism in the visual arts and music in the Baroque era – the era in which Angelus Silesius lived and worked.
All information related to participation in the conference will be provided by email at the end of September 2024.
Deadline for abstracts (max. 500 words): 30 June, 2024
Conference fee: 400 PLN (circa 95 EUR)
Notification of acceptance: 31 September, 2024
Date: 10-11.12.20246
Language of the conference: English
To submit an abstract, please send it to