

Since 8 March 2024, the new Gałązcafe café has been operating in the Ossolineum in the place of the former U hrabiego café. It is a family-run, intimate place with an individual character. The café offers impromptu breakfasts and lunches, hot and cold snacks, sweet and savoury, seasonal delicacies, ice cream, desserts and freshly ground coffee in a variety of flavours.

Visitors are welcome from Tuesday to Sunday from 10.00 to 17.00, and tables have already been set up in the Ossolineum Courtyard.

The interior of the café is decorated in an eclectic spirit. The dominant feature of the interior is a special wall composition composed exclusively of photographs, posters and prints from the Ossolineum's collections, including those that were part of the previous décor (the iconic serpentine frame with a portrait of Ossoliński in the centre).

The bookshelf contains the latest publications of the Ossolineum Publishing House, which you can read on the spot. The entrance to the Gałązcafe is from Ossoliński Alley and from Szewska Street through the Ossolineum Courtyard.

Discover the hidden!

Phone. +48 501 729 405 and +48 793 315 333.
